Resonance was initially a product of the 2017 Global Game Jam at the MIT location. The theme of the game jam was waves and our team decided to focus on the idea of sound waves. We liked the idea of being able to create music through playing the game so we ran with that idea. By the end of the game jam we had a sandbox prototype of our game with sources, multiple types of emitters, mobile and immobile objects, basic UI, and the ability to add emitters to the board through that UI.
Our team was made up of: Nathaniel Jordan, Courtney Clark, Diana Liao, Dr. Robert Pitts, and me. On this team I was responsible for project management, programming, debugging, documentation, prefab generation, and UI implementation.
For future development, I intend to implement multiple goal types, a structure of consecutive levels, a parse system to create levels in the unity scene from a script file, a more complete and intuitive UI, and obstacles which affect the path of the waves.